Sunday, May 24, 2009

Week Without Walls, Mr. Sutton

Mr. Sutton's "Careers in sports" for Week Without Walls 2009 at LPS - College Park.

Not all students will play professional sports, but that does not mean they won't work in professional sports; whether that is for a team, league, or an advertising or marketing agency that promotes a specific team. The opportunities are endless, but the competition to get into the field is steep.

This week was about the "product" (real world experience) and each student:
1) Researched a real job in sports and what is required in terms of qualifications.
2) Created a poster board with a road map indicating the individual steps necessary to obtaining the job. Students completed their high school planner on and determined exactly which classes they need to complete in order to get into college. They also identified which colleges offer their needed degrees/majors and potential internships for their college years that will help them gain experience and a competitive edge.
3) Created a professional resume written for the specific job they researched.
4) Wrote a cover letter to the company hiring for the position they are pursuing.
5) And most importantly, students learned how to network and the importance of building contacts and relationships with professionals.
6) Developed their own business cards with their skills and contact information to pass out while networking.

Note: Three students have established contact with personnel at the Oakland Raiders office due to this class and are pursuing summer jobs and internships with the Raiders. Best of luck to them!

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