Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bad hair day, Manuel Perez

Dang, my hair looks like I put my hand in the electrical socket. Does College Park show me any love, any empathy, can't a student get a hat?

College Park students have many excuses for not taking their hats off during class time, but one of the most famous one is that they didn’t comb their hair that morning. In reality though, having a hat head is not as bad as having Mr. Sutton’s helmet head.

Another lame excuse students give is "it is getting cold nowadays." Are you students serious? I hear your excuses and I see your hats, which don't even cover your ears. You and I both know, you're head is still cold, even with that hat on. So take it off!

For you ear muffs wearers, such as Josue Alvaradro, when you say it's cold, I believe you. Your hat is more functionality than fashion. You have a good excuse for wearing a hat.

I, on the other hand, use lame excuses, but honestly lame excuses are not the problem. The problem is there is no clear rule at Leadership Public Schools -- College Park regarding wearing hats inside the building. Mr. Reed, dean of students, says that there are different rules regarding hats, which are dependent upon what class you are wearing a hat in, but you are required to take off your hat once you enter the building. Different teachers have different policies regarding hats in classes. That sounds like a lame excuse of a rule(s) to me.

The hat rule at College Park is confusing and hypocritical, for example you can wear a beanie and walk by Mr. Reed, but not a baseball cap.

What it all comes down to is, this is not about a bad hair day, the hat problem is about a poorly written and enforced rule -- an excuse for a rule. Teachers should not tell us our excuses for wearing a hat are lame, when the rule they are enforcing is unclear and is a poor excuse for a rule.

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